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This week like every week our guest brings a great story of what life is like as a dad on the other side of.  He is the host of the podcast “On the other side, leadership after transition” and he shares what his life is like right now. 

He has walked through a divorce, fell down a few times, learned how to pick himself back up and rebuild the life he has now. 

If you are a dad looking to come home and connecting to the little moments this will be a great episode to understand the impact those moments can have on you and your kids. 

How do you help kids be comfortable with who they are? 

This a topic we dive into a lot and how you can help your kids walk through the feelings they go through on a daily basis. 

Have you had to re-enter your marriage after being deployed for a long time?

We dive deep into this topic, share some of Jeffrey’s lessons learned, what resources are available, and what does the MilSpouse look like in 2019. 


Book Recommendation – “Life Matters” by Rebecca Merrill

Podcast Link – On the Other Side, Leadership After Transition


Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/jeffrey.lodick

LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeffrey-lodick-speaker/


Twitter – http://twitter.com/JeffreyLodick


Website – MilitaryVeteranDad.com



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