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We dive into a new topic today on the podcast, entrepreneurship.  Branden runs the very successful Come Take it Coffee Company shipping perfectly roasted beans across the county. 

We dive into what coming home means when you’re starting a family business. 

His daughter is only three, but he is already preparing her with the entrepreneur mindset and that you can create anything if you have the commitment, discipline, and the heart. 

I am a big fan of his coffee and even have it running on subscription getting three bags of his Alliance roast a month. 

Lots of things to enjoy in this episode coffee, entrepreneurship, and the story of a man with a mission to deliver good coffee. 

He supports 10% of all proceeds to veteran organizations. 

Book Recommendation

“Rich Dad, Poor Dad” – Robert T. Kiyosaki


How to connect with Branden

Website – Come Take it Coffee

Facebook Page






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