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David takes us through a journey what it was like for him to fall all the way to the bottom and getting a second chance on life. 

David wrote a book called “Dishonor: One Soldier’s Journey from Desertion to Redemption”.  He details the story of life as a soldier and falling in with the wrong crowd and a before he knew it he was dealing drugs on and off base. 

His rock bottom was turning himself in and taking the small steps towards redemption.  He served 3 out of his 5 years at Leavenworth and now a Cosmetologist at a local college where he has three beautiful daughters and a wife. 

He tells his story to anyone who is willing to listen and does local outreach to those in prison who could benefit from his message. 

If you have a family member or struggled with some form of drug addiction in your life, this episode will rock you to your core.  

Your past does not have to define you. 

Book Recommendation

Unbroken – Louis Zamperini 

Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters – Meg Meeker

How to connect with David


Book on Amazon








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