48 – SOLO | Emotions; What To Do About Them
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Emotions, love them or hate them they are pretty much here to stay. But, then what do we do with them?
What do you do to process emotions that are often hard to digest and typically end with the feeling of worry it has to repeat over again next week.
For me I write, it has helped me so many times over the years walk through those emotions and put words to them.
So many times in my head my thoughts get so loud I am desperate to feel something different. For most of my adult life porn use to be this outlet, it was the fastest way to feel something different. I am proud to say I am on the other side of that being free of its hold on my life for over two years.
But that doesn’t mean the feeling is any less powerful, it has required me to really sit in what I am feeling, process it. Understand it and see if there is anything else that I can do.
I am learning to also focus in on my kids more because we are already heroes to them and that feeling of being accepted for exactly who you are is a really nice feeling to combat maybe what you felt during the week.
Those feelings we choose to not understand or work through is where a lot of dads build up and come out in our life in all sorts of way.
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