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I say it every week that this is going to be a great episode and it becomes harder and harder too because every week’s episode becomes your new favorite each week.

Today we have Greg Storch who is in a season of life we haven’t heard much from on the podcast and I am glad we have a chance to do it today.   Greg lives in Northern Italy on the other side of a 23-year commitment to the US Navy, he runs an amazing leadership organization helping change the world, one person, at a time.

As a society, we spend very little time collecting the wisdom of people ahead of in life and in this episode, you will get some great wisdom that you can incorporate immediately into your business and life.

Topics Covered:

  • The roles we play in life
  • Not being ready to receive advice
  • Priorities in life
  • Creating Generational Change
  • Building trust within your relationships
  • You never know it all
  • Knowing when it’s time to transition out
  • Becoming Servant Leadership
  • Leadership issues in the workplace
  • Creating the life you get to live vs have to live

How to connect with guest

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Military Veteran Dad Youtube > https://bit.ly/2xl4JHe

Ben Killoy Speaking Real > https://bit.ly/3bRzVwF


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Check out this episode!