Ben Killoy is a U.S. Marine Veteran turned blogger, life coach, speaker, and podcaster whose mission is to bring Military Veteran Dads home to their families and step into their best life. He resides in Janesville, WI, with his wife and three beautiful kids.
Ben went through what most transitioning veterans go through, the feeling of needing to redefine their identity outside of the structure of the military and rediscovering your passion and purpose for life. A seminar changed it all for him and allowed him to discover his passion for leadership and helping other veterans and Dads be the best parents they can. Since that seminar, he has been on a mission to master leadership principles and use his passion for leadership to help dads understand who they are, develop their skills to overcome adversity, and to own their life choices to enable them to truly come home to their families.
Ben’s podcast combines his own insights into his unique experiences with the military and fatherhood, along with interviews and discussions with other thought-leaders from around the world. The fact that Ben’s insights are based on his personal experiences, and the experiences of the other veterans he interviews gives credibility to his understandings. Sharing both his successes and failures brings a more heart-centered approach to his podcast, enabling a deeper connection to his audience.
Ben is available for speaking engagements, both online and in-person, and is more than happy to share his insights on other veteran’s podcasts.
Are you ready to step into your best life?
I speak on how to step into your best life.
The relationships around are meant to strengthen who you are.
Your ego/truth is what is holding you back.
Your priorities reflect what’s most important in your life.
Your relationships around you will strengthen who you are.
Speaking Topics
- Parenting
- Social Emotional Learning
- Legacy of Family
- Relationships
- Podcasting
- Mindset
- Ego
- Work Life Integration
Past Presentations
Let Fear and Curiosity Be Your Guide
ExhibitorLive, Las Vegas 2019: Peer 2 Peer Learning
We often don’t do the things that scare us or follow what we are curious about. I believe that the more something scares us the more something amazing on the other side. I presented the idea to apply fear and curiosity to your brainstorming session in the tradeshow strategy.
When is a Veteran Forgotten
Dad 2.0 Summit 2019, Washington D.C.
A Veteran is only forgotten when we no longer repeat his name and lesson from the Disney Movie Cocco teaches us this lesson beautifully.
Starting a Podcast
Military Creator Con (Podfest 2020), Orlando, FL
How a Conversation Can Lead to Change
Hononegah Highschool, Rockton, IL (2020)