164 | Living Through Adventure With Heidi Dusek

164 | Living Through Adventure With Heidi Dusek

Have you ever felt like you were living the wrong plan? Today I am talking with Heidi Dusek who felt that same way in her early 20s and decided to do something about it. She flipped the script on her life, starting living according to a new plan of her own design.  Adventure was a keyword she decided to weave into her life as she rebuilt her life from the ground up. Heidi is here to tell us about living as a family through adventure.  As Military Dads we are trained to create an adventure, but...

163 | Connecting With Your Daughter’s Heart With Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield

163 | Connecting With Your Daughter’s Heart With Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield

Do you have daughters?  When my first daughter was two years old, remember learning about the role I played in her life and it woke me up to the important responsibility that I have been her dad.  And now the dad of two daughters and 10 years into this journey, I am still learning and making mistakes.  But this is how we learn, we grow and improve.  The measure of the men she goes into the world to find will be compared to the kind of man I was to them.  Michelle...

162 | They Care About What I Do with John Spencer  

162 | They Care About What I Do with John Spencer  

To decide means one choice has to die. I recently learned that we avoid making decisions because to decide means one choice has to die.  That the word decide has the word -ide in it and similar words like genocide and suicide where it means death. Today I am talking with John Spencer who is now retired from the Army after 25 years.  John and his wife met in combat in Iraq in 2009 and were a dual military family for almost 8 years.  His story and recent book "Connected Soldiers" are filled with...

155 | Healing Through Archery With Chris Hamm 

155 | Healing Through Archery With Chris Hamm 

What are you holding back? Today I am talking with Chris Hamm and we dive into a deep conversation about family, archery, healing, community, and growth. What we are holding back can often be the one thing that needs to be released in order for us to come home to our families.  Doesn't matter if its war, service, or a really bad thought. Chris is not a Veteran but archery has been a part of his life since he was a boy and now as a business owner he runs a non-profit helping Veterans find...

154 | OnTrajectory with Tyson Koska

154 | OnTrajectory with Tyson Koska

At age 13, Tyson became an entrepreneur for the first time: he opened a snowball stand in his small hometown. This was his first taste of Financial Independence, and he was hooked. By 20, Tyson was a helicopter pilot in the Army. Although making more than he ever had, he was also the most in-debt. Thanks to Desert Storm and the inability to spend money on ANYTHING, he paid down that debt – another financial lesson learned. After leaving the military and with GI Bill funds in-hand, Tyson earned...

153 | Remembering Those We Lost With Ryan Lonergan

153 | Remembering Those We Lost With Ryan Lonergan

How we live is how we will be remembered. Today I am talking with Ryan Lonergan who has a story about living, pain, and legacy that we all need to hear.  Ryan grew up without a father and even joined the Army in the hope to find him.  After finishing his military service Ryan's life was about to get harder.  After a deployment to Iraq, he came home and started an internal war inside with himself.  After two failed suicide attempts he is now the CEO of Wisconsin Veteran LLC where he is a friend...

152 | Mr. New Dad With John Wayne Mullins

152 | Mr. New Dad With John Wayne Mullins

If you are a new Dad how is it going? The standard answer is good and fine for most Dads, but often that is far from the truth.  Our schedules are changing, we are tired, work still expects us to perform at the same level and we often are just running on fumes.  Today I am talking to John Wayne Mullins a leadership coach, he spent 17 years with the Coast Guard reserve, and is a new Dad who has taken what he learned in his career of coaching to help new Dads adapt as life changes...

151 |  Who is Mentoring Your Kids with Ken Wimberly

151 | Who is Mentoring Your Kids with Ken Wimberly

How are you going to be remembered? With life being so busy these days, we often don't think about these questions unless someone in our family dies, and we, for a short few days, remind ourselves of the fragility of life.  But we often quickly get back to our busy lives and forget about making an intention to ensure we do something worth remembering.  Today I am talking with Ken Wimberly.  Ken is the founder and visionary behind Legacy Journal. He is married to his soulmate,...

150 | It’s Ok to Not Be Ok With Scott DeLuzio

150 | It’s Ok to Not Be Ok With Scott DeLuzio

Not everyone comes home during War, what would you do if it was your own brother. Our episode today is an emotional one and the story about relearning to live with a family member by your side.  The movie "Saving Private Ryan" showed us the story of what this was like during WWII.  This still shows up in war today just as it did then and Scott is going to share what that process was like for him and how he found purpose in the pain and now leads his own Podcast to help other Veterans...

149 | When with Jeff Wellen

149 | When with Jeff Wellen

What do you wish you knew when you first got started? We spend way too much wondering how things could have been different, but we also don't spend nearly enough time learning from people ahead of us to make sure we don't repeat the same mistakes. Our guest today Jeff decided to write a book titled When: Things I Wish I Knew When I Was STARTING OUT, STARTING OVER, and Trying To GET AHEAD.  Jeff has spent the last 38 years traveling a journey of success, failure, the highest of highs and...


October 2024
