164 | Living Through Adventure With Heidi Dusek
Have you ever felt like you were living the wrong plan? Today I am talking with Heidi Dusek who felt that same way in her early 20s and decided to do something about it. She flipped the script on her life, starting living according to a new plan of her own design. ...
163 | Connecting With Your Daughter’s Heart With Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield
Do you have daughters? When my first daughter was two years old, remember learning about the role I played in her life and it woke me up to the important responsibility that I have been her dad. And now the dad of two daughters and 10 years into this...
162 | They Care About What I Do with John Spencer
To decide means one choice has to die. I recently learned that we avoid making decisions because to decide means one choice has to die. That the word decide has the word -ide in it and similar words like genocide and suicide where it means death. Today I am talking...
155 | Healing Through Archery With Chris Hamm
What are you holding back? Today I am talking with Chris Hamm and we dive into a deep conversation about family, archery, healing, community, and growth. What we are holding back can often be the one thing that needs to be released in order for us to come home to our...