110 – Love The Life You Have With Josh Steffens

110 – Love The Life You Have With Josh Steffens

How much are you loving the life you have right now?

 In our modern society, it can be easy to get caught up in the trap to always want more, but this mindset forgets one important step.

Loving the life we have, life won’t give you more of something until you appreciate what you already have.

 Today on the podcast Josh opens up his heart to share what his coming home story was like and it is not a conversation you want to miss.  If you have deployed before this episode will hit pretty close to home.

 Josh Steffens is a passionate father, veteran, and business owner. As the CEO and owner of Hollywood Powder Company, Josh has spent the last three years building a highly regarded brand. Josh and his team are focused on delivering high-quality products to hard-working men and women.  In Josh’s current role within Hollywood Powder Company, he focused on emerging markets, growth, and places a large emphasis on customer satisfaction.

 Throughout his fifteen-year tenure within the Wisconsin National Guard, Josh has built a reputation for developing service members both personally and professionally. His leadership style is focused on empowering those to achieve outstanding results no matter their rank or position. Josh currently serves in the guard in the role of a Master Sergeant and is the Senior Enlisted Advisor of Intelligence within the Engineer Regiment. Josh’s awards and decorations include; Purple Heart, Army Accommodation Medal with Valor 5th award, Army Achievement Medal 4th award, The De Fleury Medal, Valorous Unit Citation, and Afghanistan Campaign Medal with Gold Star.

Josh Steffens is a husband, and father of two children. He is inspired daily by his family, Josh takes pride in being a father and watching his children grow every day.  When Josh isn’t working he is often spending time with his family outdoors or taking a late-night/early morning run.

 “Put down the devices and spend that quality time. It’s better to love what you have before life teaches you to love what you lost.” – Josh Steffens

 Discount Code: MVD @ https://hollywoodpowderco.com/

Topics Covered:

  • Returning from deployment
  • Talking to new dads
  • Doing better as a unit to talk about family
  • The war within
  • Starting a conversation
  • Losing a friend
  • The masks we wear

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Episode Transcript

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For help, resources, and community support, please join the Military Veteran Dad Facebook Group.

Be sure to check out all the free courses available to help come home to a better tomorrow.

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Where are you going? | FATHERHOOD FRIDAY

Where are you going? | FATHERHOOD FRIDAY

Where are you going?

A Buddhist monk is walking a small trail along a mountain when a horse suddenly came galloping quickly down the road.

The horse was moving so quickly the monk had to jump out of the way.  

It seemed as though the man had somewhere important to go. The monk who was now on the side of the road, shouted, “Where are you going?” and the man on the horse replied, “I don’t know! Ask the horse!”

This short (and confusing) story has an interesting meaning behind it. The horse is a symbol of our habits, which constantly pull us in the direction it wants to. It illustrates how most people usually live, at the mercy of their habits created by mindless activity and surrounding environment. If you stopped to ask yourself what you’re doing or why you’re running around so much, you might be surprised to learn how your actions are largely dictated by habits- not your free will.

And as much energy as we put into running around, a lot of the time it gets us nowhere. You have to realize you can take the reins and make your own destiny.

Episode Transcript

Thank you for Listening to the Episode!

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Follow Ben on Social Media to stay up to date on – Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | LinkedIn

For help, resources, and community support, please join the Military Veteran Dad Facebook Group.

Be sure to check out all the free courses available to help come home to a better tomorrow.

Heads Up: My posts may contain affiliate links!  If you buy something through one of those links, you won’t pay a penny more, but we’ll get a small commissionds, which helps keep the lights on. Thanks!

109 – Find New Roads with Brett Gibson

109 – Find New Roads with Brett Gibson

Did you take the roads less traveled in your life?

 So often we take the roads we see in front of us, or the roads cleared by our parents, but how often do we actually break free and find new roads. 

 As a veteran, we are told there is one way to find our path, get an interview, get a job, get a degree, and you find your place in the world. 

 But so many veterans don’t fit into the standard model we never realize a difference is possible. 

 Brett had a similar journey and without any history of being an entrepreneur, he decided to see what this path would take him. 

Topics Covered:

  • Expanding how our kids see the world
  • The roles are fathers play in our lives
  • Becoming an entrepreneur
  • Behind the scenes on beard oil
  • Owning a business
  • Finding a mentor in life

Discount Code: FIRST20 | https://www.gibbysbeardco.com/


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Episode Transcript

Thank you for Listening to the Episode!

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Follow Ben on Social Media to stay up to date on – Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | LinkedIn

For help, resources, and community support, please join the Military Veteran Dad Facebook Group.

Be sure to check out all the free courses available to help come home to a better tomorrow.

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Just minutes after recording this episode, my youngest daughter came up to me and asked ..

Daddy, can I have a piggyback ride? 

Knowing the advice I had just given every listener of the podcast, I knew I had only one choice.  

To say YES!

This episode is a simple reminder to just say YES when your kids come into your life and ask you to help them with something.  

Episode Transcript

Thank you for Listening to the Episode!

Be sure to subscribe on Apple, Google, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. And feel free to drop us a line at [email protected] 

Follow Ben on Social Media to stay up to date on – Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | LinkedIn

For help, resources, and community support, please join the Military Veteran Dad Facebook Group.

Be sure to check out all the free courses available to help come home to a better tomorrow.

Heads Up: My posts may contain affiliate links!  If you buy something through one of those links, you won’t pay a penny more, but we’ll get a small commissionds, which helps keep the lights on. Thanks!

108 – The Value Equation with Joel Stewart

108 – The Value Equation with Joel Stewart

Do you struggle with feeling valued?

Joel Stewart was in a similar spot in his life while serving where he had a medical disability take away his ability to move.  His journey over the next five years and since is nothing short of inspiring.

I know many people who find that when life hits them hard, they feel immobilized to change the situation or find a path they can take.  Joel breaks down for us what he calls the value equation and how it can help you find the right next step to take to lead you on a better path.

“It is not about what you can’t do, it is about what you can do” – Joel Stewart

Books Mentioned

https://amzn.to/3nPscoi – Man Search For Meaning, by Victor Frankl

https://amzn.to/3bO7cMk – The Value Equation, by Joel Stewart

 Additional resources: 


Topics Covered:

  • How life can change in an instant
  • How is my life happening for me
  • Confirmation Bias
  • Having the courage to act
  • The value equation
  • Helping your kids find their value

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Episode Transcript

Thank you for Listening to the Episode!

Be sure to subscribe on Apple, Google, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. And feel free to drop us a line at [email protected] 

Follow Ben on Social Media to stay up to date on – Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | LinkedIn

For help, resources, and community support, please join the Military Veteran Dad Facebook Group.

Be sure to check out all the free courses available to help come home to a better tomorrow.

Heads Up: My posts may contain affiliate links!  If you buy something through one of those links, you won’t pay a penny more, but we’ll get a small commissionds, which helps keep the lights on. Thanks!