114 | A Story of Anger and Redemption with Blake Mattocks

114 | A Story of Anger and Redemption with Blake Mattocks

Is your life happening to you or for you?

This question trips me up at least once a week when I hit a setback or run into a feeling that I can’t shake. 

A lot of those times those feelings are rooted in a deeper feeling that I haven’t looked at or dealt with.  And to quote Elsa, its typically something I just needed to “let it go.”

Blake has a story that looking back with a 20/20 perspective of life, it is clear to me his life was unfolding in a way that was preparing him for bigger trials, bigger tests requiring larger acts of courage and integrity. 

If you are at a point in your life where you are struggling to get through and find the right path, I am certain this episode will be a flashlight for you. 

Topics Covered:

  • Joining the military because of angry
  • Losing a parent while on active duty
  • Letting angry govern your life
  • Taking off the masks we wear
  • Rising up and learning to fall down with integrity
  • The masks that we wear
  • Fathering through angry
  • Leaning into the community through trials and tests

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What if Marriage Is an Exercise in Maturity | FATHERHOOD FRIDAY

What if Marriage Is an Exercise in Maturity | FATHERHOOD FRIDAY

Screamfree Parenting Book – Hal Runkel

Screamfree Marriage Book – Hal Runkel

Episode Transcript

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113 | Military Millionaire with David Pere

113 | Military Millionaire with David Pere

Do you ever feel like you have tunnel vision in life?

We get so caught up in the race of life we often never slow down to really see where we are heading.  It becomes all about the next thing, the next vacation, the car.  COVID has forced a lot of people to really take an inventory of where they were headed.

David Pere asked some of those same questions while he was serving and looked at the choices people were making ahead of him after retirement and said that is not the path I choose.  Through that choice, he found a passion for real estate investing and now has a platform to help others navigate this road and understand what they need to know.

Additional resources

Topics Covered:

  • Real Estate Investing
  • Putting your money to work
  • Breaking free from expectations
  • Your network determines your net worth
  • Using masterminds to change your thinking
  • Why travel is important
  • Helping kids understand how they fit into this world
  • Coming home after a deployment
  • Creating clarity in your life
  • Understand failure

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Episode Transcript

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For help, resources, and community support, please join the Military Veteran Dad Facebook Group.

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Are We Raising Kids or Adults? | FATHERHOOD FRIDAY

Are We Raising Kids or Adults? | FATHERHOOD FRIDAY

Are we raising kids or adults? This question with a single word change can illuminate errors in your approach to parenting that you might not have been able to understand before.  

It’s a powerful question that I invite you to truthfully answer and then, decide what are you going to do about it. 

Episode Transcript

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112 – Perfectly Imperfect with Gloria Rendon

112 – Perfectly Imperfect with Gloria Rendon

Do you hide your life stories from your kids?

 Veterans live a very rich life, we have stories, we have the depth to our views, and we know how to connect with others.  But on the other side of transition, we often don’t see how life was happening for us and how we might be able to help others who went down a similar way. 

We do this often becomes we are ashamed, worried of being judged, and afraid of what “they might think” of us after they really know my story. 

 Gloria Ren has a story that has driven her to do more and be more in her life.

 She has worked as an advocate for clients with mental health and substance use disorders for nearly a decade. She has progressive experience in both inpatient and outpatient settings.

 Gloria has worked with agencies and organizations within North and South Carolina to provide evidence-based training to counselors, practitioners, non-clinical staff, agencies, organizations, and clients regarding mental health and addiction. She serves as a federal grant reviewer which allows for funding for both of these populations; specifically for underserved populations.

 Gloria has counseled and consulted on thousands of clinical cases and has proven leadership and supervisory experience. Gloria is a public speaker and has headlined symposiums on the East Coast. A Palm State of Mind was founded on Gloria’s experience as a counselor and is focused on providing inclusive treatment by a representative staff.

Topics Covered:

  • The Military is a very revealing process

  • The GI Bill won’t solve all your problems

  • Transitioning out starts day 1 of Bootcamp

  • It takes a village to raise a family

  • It takes a community to support veterans

  • Finding your place in the civilian community

  • Tearing out the tags we put on people

  • Do your kids really know who dad is?

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Episode Transcript

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For help, resources, and community support, please join the Military Veteran Dad Facebook Group.

Be sure to check out all the free courses available to help come home to a better tomorrow.

Heads Up: My posts may contain affiliate links!  If you buy something through one of those links, you won’t pay a penny more, but we’ll get a small commissionds, which helps keep the lights on. Thanks!